Wallpaper - very commonly used term of these days, have made all the populate revolve around it. People, who are tech savvy and those who know the least about computers are all fantasized with the vivid looking, eye catchy wallpapers. The desktop wallpaper (to some extent) says a lot about the personality about its user. When the wallpapers consist of nature, art, lame animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and the likes, these are termed as girlie stuff; the wallpapers of cars, bikes, skyscraper city, wild animals, tech images, robots, etc are very much liked by the boys and men.
Wallpapers is not just a pattern or graphical presentation that forms the background of your desktop or laptop or any hand held devices but it also serves as a medium onto which all the icons, menus and other elements of the operating system are displayed and moved around. It not only enhances the look of your computer background but also bumps up the feel that made you comfortable working on your computer device. Therefore, selection of right wallpaper is very important.
There are hundreds and thousands of wallpapers piled up on the World Wide Web and provided free by various wallpaper site providers. These wallpapers consist of almost every topic, place, things and creatures that you can think of. According to market trends, these wallpapers themes also have their own popularity life cycle. Some of them are forever favorites like car wallpapers and the others are liked for shorter time span such as wallpaper of a celebrity popular during that time.